Archive for the ‘Another anti-capitalism is possible’ Category

Ross Wolfe, of the Charnel House, has a long post on the temporality of radical politics, criticising, among other temporal orientations, various forms of hankering after divers real and imaginary pasts, and particularly the longing for a ‘prelapsarian past, of the “good old days” before everything went wrong’. Much of the post is devoted to Franco […]

A new blog you should check out: Occupy the Crisis “….on the U.S. “Occupy” movement as counter-hegemonic force in the current political conjuncture” Here’s some posts; go read em: On Occupy, reproduction and the commons In an earlier post, I pointed to David Harvey’s text on reclaiming the city as a site of the commons. Below, Silvia […]



The Black Bloc and political blackmail. Is #Occupy entering a third phase?

At Three-Way Fight: Occupy movement: Anti-capitalism versus populism Occupy Wall Street is one of the most exciting political developments in years, but like any social movement it has its contradictions. As I noted briefly at the end of my previous post, the Occupy movement is vulnerable to right-wing overtures to the extent that many progressive-minded activists […]

Here are some reflections on antisemitism, populism and conpirationism in the Occupy movement: The Occupy Movement, Populist Anti-Elitism, and the Conspiracy Theorists by Spencer Sunshine in Shift. The Zeitgeist Movement and Occupy UK: An Anti-Globalisation Cult by Andrew Coates Occupy Wall Street and the perils of the big tent by Adam Holland  Against conspiracy theories: Why our activism must […]

Some helpful reading: Ross Wolfe: Capital in history, a lexicon Federico Campagna: Recurring Dreams – the red heart of fascism / I am not the 99% Facing the War: The position of the observer / Some thoughts on the occupations Adam Holland: Occupy Wall Street, antisemitism, and the perils of the big tent  

#Occupy II


Further to this, here’s an extract from a brilliant analysis of Occupy London from History is Made at Night: There are some odd alternative economy models around in the occupations, notions of capitalism without finance capital (the ‘real economy’), of monetary reform, of a resource-based economy that is beyond capitalism and communism (this is the […]



Cross-posted from BobFromBrockley This is an age when political events are calibrated to Twitter, activists’ thoughts are punctuated with hashtags and the circulation of politics proceeds memetically. I have mainly been bemused by the wave of occupations emanating from Wall Street and franchised “globally” (i.e. to the other wealthy countries of the global North) on 15 […]

From Engage: “With all due respect to Goldman Sachs, it’s actually run by a complex network of bastards. Or do Goldman Sachs pay me to say that? You’ll never know.” The Daily Mash How to think about: Jewish Bankers What worries Isca Stieglitz Useful reading on #Occupy Wall Street: Never Got Used To It Doug […]



who put the shit in shituationism? A recent conversation between Fancypunk and Dr0fn0thing, the first generation of the Shituationist Institute (est. 2008), tossing around some thoughts on crisis, rave and history. (pdf version) (jpg version) Fancypunk: I feel like Greece the last years turned into a weird, uncomfortable place. The new occasion of the “financial crisis” somehow […]