
A blog about the anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist and anti-globalization movements, analysing the convergences between right-wing thought and false forms of anti-capitalism. My original inspiration for the blog was to draw on the German “anti-German” communist current to think about the reactionary currents within the emancipatory movements I have experienced in the English-speaking world – but I am not now and never have been an “anti-German”, and I don’t read much German either…

E-mail me at antigermantranslation at googlemail dot com

23 Responses to “About”

  1. 1 d

    Can you make available a pdf of the english version of “Your Revolution is No Liberation”?

  2. 2 d

    Nevermind, I have found the pdf myself.

  3. I love your site! :)

    Experiencing a slow PC recently? Fix it now!

  4. Hello.
    One Michel Prigent recently posted an article on his blog Principia Dialectica which was picked up by your blog. It dealt with Amadeo Bordiga, named me as a “Bordigist”, and insinuated that as such I was a left-wing anti-Semite and negationists. I am none of the above. I called this to Prigent’s attention and he removed all mention of me from the post. I would appreciate it if you would upload this new version and if possible call the correction to your readers’ attention. Such falsification travels easily on the web, as you are well aware.


    Loren Goldner

    More on Left-wing antisemitism
    June 21st, 2009

    In 1960 a Paris bases magazine called Le Proletaire (parti communiste international) (programme communiste) , a bordiguist outfit published a text called : Auschwitz ou le grand alibi ( Auschwitz or the great alibi). In it they claimed the following:” from the fact of their earlier history, Jews find themselves essentially in the middle and petty bourgeoisie. Therefore this class is condemned by the irrestible advance of the concentration of capital.”

    In reality Jews were hunted down not as members of this class or another, but as Jews. For the Nazis, Jews represented evil itself. The arrest of Jews in the III Reich was a priority. For example if wehrmacht soldiers went on leave on a train, they could be disembarked at a moment’s notice if the train was needed to send Jews to concentration camps.

    The Bordiguists -and there are a few still around-, have never criticized this text, hence one must assume that they still endorse it. Vulgar marxists they were in the 1960’s and they still are in 2009! Bordiguism is not like wine, it does not get better as it grows older.

    To this day many other orthodox marxist outfits fail to comprehend what the Holocaust really meant. They fall for the antisemitic lie that Israel is to blame for everything in the Middle East; they support the idea that millions of Palestinians have ‘the right to return’. Antisemitism is a depraved ideology. The Grand Mufti toured Hitler’s concentration camps; he was loud in proclaiming his support for the Final Solution. Jews have never been allowed to live in peace anywhere in this poxy world, least of all in the Middle East. Antisemitism has always been a fact of life in that region – hence no effort is made by any of the governments there to help find a solution to the millions of Palestinians left displaced after all the wars fought against Israel since 1948. These elites blame Jews for everything, hence people don’t look towards finding real solutions to their problems. For many, antisemitism and anticapitalism have often been compatible ideologies.

    For more analysis on antisemitism and national-socialism see Moishe Postone’s pamphlet of the same name. Available from Chronos Publications , BM CHRONOS LONDON WC1 N 3XX. £3 p and p inc./please make cheques to Chronos Publications, in sterling if possible. (cf. other documents by M. Postone)

    ps: As for Bordiga (Amadeo), anti-fascism was as bad as fascism. All through the Second World War, Bordiga stayed silent, therefore Mussolini and his police left him alone. Bordiga was a Leninist, against Stalin. He never condemned the Kronstadt massacre of 1921; for him it was necessary.

  5. 5 antigerman

    Of course Loren. I have been reading your material for some years, and (altho obviously I have disagreements with some of it) have never detected a trace of antisemitism or any of the complex of ideological deformations that cluster around antisemitism. I am very critical of Bordiga and the Bordigist version of ultra-leftism, particularly as represented by Dauve/Barrot (altho I find Dauve/Barrot’s work useful in some ways), and am sharply critical of the ultra-left equation between fascism and anti-fascism as simply two versions of capitalism. However, I do not see your work, Loren, as in that tradition.

  6. 6 anja

    Sorry, if i post here, but i didnt found email adress of this site.

    Now to issue-

    ISomeone impersonating me i e My email adress has been hijacked by some one who have nothing to do with me…
    They send everywhere all kinds of spam and adverts from FAKED ‘my’ email-adress.Even myself got emails from ‘myself’ ie from the ppl who impersonate ‘anjapartanen’..

    Of course I reported, but its happend over and over again.

    Its may be some antizionist plot :-))

    So please be aware and dont open suspectful emails from faked ‘anjapartanen’..


  7. Hello,

    Did not work out how to write an email to you so I just send you a message here. Would like to get in touch; Please contact me via email.

    Eirik Eiglad

  8. Erik, Anja, anyone else, e-mail me at antigermantranslation at googlemail.com

  9. 9 pub

    Jeeze, you fuckers never stop whining and demonizing White Christians. We should NOT be forced to live together in countries.

  10. Will you be backing England in the World Cup?

    To help you with your decision here is an absolutely mental video from your namesakes in Germany:

  11. Thanks Duncan! I think that probably confirms my plan to change the name of this blog as soon as I can come up with a good alternative. The idea of translating the insights of anti-German thought into a British or American context remains valid, but the real insight is going beyond ant-Germanism (or anti-Americanism, anti-Britishness, anti-Zionism, etc) to anti-nationalism. Hating your own country is one thing, glorifying bomber command another…

    • 12 andra

      hey i can say that germany sucks.I m trying to survive in germany and thats not so esye.coming from anoder contry -romania-it feels like your realy nothing…they treath you like garbege…i meen i realy hate my countru but the way it seems germany is not so good aider.

    • 13 Kritik

      What this bomber command did was to slay down the germans will to conquer the world and to kill all the jews on this way. it was an objective antifascist and emancipatory act.

      @andra: yeah, germany sucks

      • 14 Kritik

        oh, im so sorry. of course i wasnt talking about the german bombers but about the british…

  12. To this day many other orthodox marxist outfits fail to comprehend what the Holocaust really meant. They fall for the antisemitic lie that Israel is to blame for everything in the Middle East; they support the idea that millions of Palestinians have ‘the right to return’. Antisemitism is a depraved ideology. The Grand Mufti toured Hitler’s concentration camps; he was loud in proclaiming his support for the Final Solution. Jews have never been allowed to live in peace anywhere in this poxy world, least of all in the Middle East. Antisemitism has always been a fact of life in that region – hence no effort is made by any of the governments there to help find a solution to the millions of Palestinians left displaced after all the wars fought against Israel since 1948. These elites blame Jews for everything, hence people don’t look towards finding real solutions to their problems. For many, antisemitism and anticapitalism have often been compatible ideologies.

  13. Fair enough! I agree that a lot of the ideas produced by the anti-German movement are interesting and deserve a wider hearing in the English speaking world.

    While you’re at it though (making changes to the site) it might be an idea to have another look through some of your links as well…

  14. Hi there

    Shift Magazine are looking for articles for our next issue due to be printed in September. The issue will focus on borders and the politics of “Europe”. I’m a fan of your blog and would like to find out if you’d be interested in writing for the next issue.

    If you could drop us an email at shiftmagazine@hotmail.co.uk that would be great.

    nice one

    Shift Magazine

  15. I am very flattered to be invited, and very flattered that you say you are a fan. I am a fan of Shift, and will e-mail you.

  16. 19 Shift Magazine

    Hi again

    Any chance you could drop us an email so we can chat about the next issue of Shift.

    We can be reached at shiftmagazine@hotmail.co.uk


    Shift Magazine

  17. This here is the worst Anti-Aufklärung ever.

  18. To this day many other orthodox marxist outfits fail to comprehend what the Holocaust really meant. They fall for the antisemitic lie that Israel is to blame for everything in the Middle East; they support the idea that millions of Palestinians have ‘the right to return’. Antisemitism is a depraved ideology. The Grand Mufti toured Hitler’s concentration camps; he was loud in proclaiming his support for the Final Solution. Jews have never been allowed to live in peace anywhere in this poxy world, least of all in the Middle East. Antisemitism has always been a fact of life in that region – hence no effort is made by any of the governments there to help find a solution to the millions of Palestinians left displaced after all the wars fought against Israel since 1948. These elites blame Jews for everything, hence people don’t look towards finding real solutions to their problems. For many, antisemitism and anticapitalism have often been compatible ideologies.+1

  1. 1 2010 at AGT « Anti-German Translation
  2. 2 Looking back at 2011 « Anti-National Translation

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