Posts Tagged ‘Wall Street’

From Eurozine, by Charles Postel: En/PDF The Occupy movement resembles nineteenth-century American populism in its anger at the avarice of bankers and financiers and in its notions of majoritarian democracy. Where it differs from the old Populists is in its attitude to the state, writes Charles Postel. In the late nineteenth century, the telecommunications revolution […]

At Three-Way Fight: Occupy movement: Anti-capitalism versus populism Occupy Wall Street is one of the most exciting political developments in years, but like any social movement it has its contradictions. As I noted briefly at the end of my previous post, the Occupy movement is vulnerable to right-wing overtures to the extent that many progressive-minded activists […]

#Occupy II


Further to this, here’s an extract from a brilliant analysis of Occupy London from History is Made at Night: There are some odd alternative economy models around in the occupations, notions of capitalism without finance capital (the ‘real economy’), of monetary reform, of a resource-based economy that is beyond capitalism and communism (this is the […]



Cross-posted from BobFromBrockley This is an age when political events are calibrated to Twitter, activists’ thoughts are punctuated with hashtags and the circulation of politics proceeds memetically. I have mainly been bemused by the wave of occupations emanating from Wall Street and franchised “globally” (i.e. to the other wealthy countries of the global North) on 15 […]

From Engage: “With all due respect to Goldman Sachs, it’s actually run by a complex network of bastards. Or do Goldman Sachs pay me to say that? You’ll never know.” The Daily Mash How to think about: Jewish Bankers What worries Isca Stieglitz Useful reading on #Occupy Wall Street: Never Got Used To It Doug […]