Archive for the ‘USA’ Category

Important piece by Julia Davis on the rollcall of fascists who have been invited to speak at Texas A&M by neo-Nazi Preston Wigginton, including the UK’s Holocaust-denying Nick Griffin and the KKK scumbag David Duke. Significantly, Aleksandr Dugin is on the list. Dugin, Putin’s fascist guru, is bizarrely admired by many allegedly on the left, possibly […]

From the US, this is an extract from a post on the nativist strain of Republicanism, from the excellent Sad Red Earth blog: In “The Vice of the Extremes,” I wrote of the transformed GOP that we have a major political party … that has descended to levels of anti-intellectual ignorance, corporate plutocracy, chauvinism, xenophobic […]

France: Following on from this, here is Andrew Coates: Dieudonné’s French ‘Anti-Zionist’ List: Worst Political Alliance in Europe? Few deny that ‘Anti-Zionism’ can be  a cover for racism. But rarely does it lead to this broad alliance. In France the mixed-race (Cameroon-French)  ’humourist’ Dieudonné has launched the Parti Anti-Sionist (Site). Its candidates are standing in the European […]