Posts Tagged ‘Syria’

Several items from Tendance Coatesy, on the Voltaire Network, on the French far right’s links to Putinism, and on Godard’s fascist turn. 1. On Franklin Lamb and France’s Assad supporters: Counterpunch has published some well-informed reports on the unfolding civil war in Iraq, notably by Patrick Cockburn. The same cannot be said for the latest piece by […]

From Libcom: Short news about protest which changed into Fascist event. 26th of August in front of the Syrian embassy two demonstrations took place. The first one was organized by Syrian embassy and its goal was to record it and show in pro-Syrian government that whole world supports Al-Assad. That is why Syrians who live […]

From Tendance Coates, with apologies for some added hyperlinks and gently corrected typos: Counterpunch’s friend Israël Adam Shamir does not only write about Dreyfus on Entre la Plume et l’Enclume (between the Pen and the Anvil). He, for example, wrote a vibrant defence of Gilad Atzmon on the same site earlier this year […]  calling him “un volcan vivant, un titan pourvu d’un sens de […]

Coatesy reports on the “anti-imperialist” alliance between sections of the French far-right and the Assad regime in Syria.

Catching up with Entdinglichung, back since the end of September from a long summer break from blogging. Here is some of the great stuff you’ll find there. ein Artikel auf Support Kurds in Syria: The Stateless Kurds of Syria „… In 1962, the then Syrian government executed an irregular, single-day census in al-Hassake – the province with […]

Read Rosie Bell for the story. Also read: Terry Glavin on George Galloway’s fascist friends.